BAC Code of Conduct - (6/22/2008)
BAC Code of Conduct:
A Commitment to Quality, Dependability, and Value
The International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers 2005
Convention passed a resolution endorsing the following BAC Code of
As a member of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied
Craftworkers, I will uphold the code of conduct embedded in our Union’s
name – IUBAC:
- I will come to work on time prepared to give my
employer a fair day’s work for a fair wage, and to work to the highest
- Be Union through and through – loyal to, and respectful of, my brothers and sisters in the trade and the labor movement.
- Work Better because I have received the finest, most comprehensive masonry-trowel trades training in North America.
- Willingly Accept responsibility for the quality of my work and behavior on the job.
- Always be Committed to growing the unionized masonry-trowel trades industry for current and future generations.
The BAC Code of Conduct recognizes that our Union is composed of
individuals who represent the best in the masonry-trowel trades
industry, as well as in the labor movement. This Code represents a
commitment by our Union, members, and signatory contractors to produce
work of the highest quality, to be the most productive, to advance our
Union’s causes, and to promote the unionized masonry-trowel trades
For BAC members, the Code is a commitment to look out for their
fellow members, and to work to the highest standard. It is an
acknowledgement that as professional craftworkers they take pride in
their work, and that doing less than their best work could jeopardize
the work or safety of others on the job.
For BAC signatory contractors, the Code recognizes their
responsibility to provide a work environment for craftworkers conducive
to producing the highest quality work, productively, by delivering the
proper materials and tools on schedule, and by ensuring a safe work
environment. Equally as important is their recognition that these
craftworkers – BAC members – deserve to be treated with the respect
their skills merit.
For BAC officers and leaders, the Code represents an obligation to make
sure promises on both sides are kept. This is done by providing members
with the best training, by committing to supplying signatory contractors
with a quality workforce made up of individuals who understand the
important role they play in making sure that projects are completed on
time and within budget, by ensuring that members are treated with
respect, provided safe working conditions, and paid wages and benefits
commensurate with their productivity and the quality work they perform,
and by setting the example in adhering to the Code of Conduct.
This Code is a recommitment on the part of our members, signatory
contractors, and officers to producing quality work, to creating a
dependable workforce, and to adding value to all projects in which they
are involved. This commitment has distinguished the unionized
masonry-trowel trades industry from the rest for more than 140 years and
will continue to do so in the future. Each of the Code statements
embodies specific actions toward that end. April 2007.
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